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with first signature of alibaba a100, liby group led digital transformation of the daily chemical industry
2019-07-19 11:39:45

on july 18, liby group signed a100 strategic cooperation memorandum with alibaba group and became the first industry leader signing a memorandum of cooperation among alibaba a100 enterprises. liby group will further consolidate the foundation for digital management and realize digital transformation by virtue of digital ability of alibaba economies through a100 plan, which meant that liby group, as a leading daily chemical enterprise, will continue leading the daily chemical industry and even the fmcg industry to promote enterprise transformation and upgrading using digital technology.

signing ceremony of a100 strategic cooperation between liby group and alibaba group

with first signature of a100, cooperation scope and quality of both parties improved

a100 strategic cooperation plan was launched in the first “alibaba one business conference” of alibaba held in hangzhou with the aim of offering one-stop solutions to leading enterprises of different industries and initiating the largest brand digital transformation worldwide.


for fmcg enterprises, it was a big pain spot of business management that offline sales and online consumer data were divided and consequently data cannot be best used for marketing. however, liby group can help with whole-chain accurate marketing by virtue of alibaba’s digital management ability according to a100 plan and take advantage of all media and all contacts of alibaba economies to realize business closed loop and enhance whole-chain digital capability.

liby group and alibaba group called strategic cooperation communication meeting

for alibaba, liby had abundant private traffic and business form whether in digital transformation, segmented application scenarios of offline channels and user coverage of sunken market, which can facilitate alibaba to broaden the boundary of a100 and elevate application bandwidth of business operation system.

as the first partner signing a100 strategic cooperation memorandum with alibaba, liby group and alibaba will conduct efficient and direct business communication and ability enhancement in the aspect of e-commerce, brand, marketing, channel, supply chain and technology. they have made experiments deeply in e-commerce, brand, channel and new retail and planned to make experiments in marketing and supply chain during 2019 to 2020.

with the help of a100, liby group accelerated whole-chain digitalization and led digital transformation and upgrading of the industry

with the help of a100, liby group hoped to realize brand upgrade by digital means such as global marketing and better fulfill the mission “bring health and happiness to every family”. the group also hoped that digital transformation of industry leading enterprises could not only help realize sustainable high-quality growth, but also redefine industry standards for daily chemicals and even fmcg and reform the business model of chinese fmcg enterprises.

president of liby group chen zebin raised expectations and requests for a100

liby group a100 project has three development stages. the first stage (2019-2020) gathers product, marketing, consumer and organization, breaks through all nodes and realizes data engergization; the second stage (2019-2021) focuses on channel, logistics and manufacturing and improves digital layout of enterprise; the third stage (2021 and later) realizes whole value chain digitalization. in this process, liby group gradually realizes digitalization of whole chain business and organization and constantly build whole-chain digital capability.

in fact, liby’s digital transformation was far more than that. in april, 2019, liyi technological innovation investment co., ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of liby group, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with shanghai zunbao e-commerce co., ltd. in respect of founding baoli and building a domestic leading e-commerce and digital promotion platform for daily chemical and fmcg industries. a series of actions such as a100 and baoli showed liby’s determination to realize brand upgrade during digital transformation and accumulated certain capital for new retail reform of liby.

both parties take a photo to mark the occasion

it is foreseeable that signing of a100 strategic cooperation memorandum will accelerate digitalization and new retail process of liby group and stir up a new wave of digital transformation of the daily chemical industry.

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